Sunday, May 25, 2014

Acids & Bases

Properties of acids:
-Tastes sour
-pH lower than 7
-neutralize bases
-turn litmus paper into red
-corrodes metals

Properties of bases:
-Tastes bitter
-pH more than 7
-neutralize and bases
-conducts electricity

Name 2 acids and their uses:
-Used in car batteries
-Food industries

pH scale:
Acid: pH 1-7
Neutral: pH 7
Bases: pH 8-14

Acid + Base ---> Salt + Water
Examples:  HCL + NaOH --> NaCl + H20
H2SO4 + CaOH ---> CaSO4 +H20

Acid + Metal --> Hydrogen + Salt
Examples: HCL + Mg ---> MgCl + H2
H2SO4 + Al ---> AlSO4 +H2

Acid + Metal Carbonate ---> Water + Salt + Carbon dioxide
Examples:  2HCl + 2MgCO3 ---> H20 + 2CO2 +2MgCl

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